Conditionals, loops, variables and functions

Conditionals, loops, variables and functions

Now that we know what algorithms are, we can continue learning other basics of programming that we can find in most languages. Remember that an algorithm is a problem solving procedure which consists of a well-defined, ordered, and finite sequence of instructions. To...
What is an algorithm?

What is an algorithm?

The word algorithm appears more and more often in our daily conversations. We talk about the algorithm of Google, Instagram or Netflix, it is daily echoed in news related to technology and society, documentaries and films about algorithms have been produced, the...
Video game programming for kids

Video game programming for kids

Every day there are more children who dream of creating their own video game, which is not a surprise if we take into account that video games are already the first choice of entertainment. Luckily, every day it is easier and more accessible to learn to program video...
5 Best Coding Tools for Children

5 Best Coding Tools for Children

There are many reasons to learn to code from an early age, so it is important for children to see programming as a fun and creative activity they can enjoy. Teaching children and adolescents how to code in an entertaining and motivating way can be a great challenge...
Essential Skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Essential Skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Artificial Intelligence, robotics, autonomous vehicles, Blockchain, Big Data, the Internet of things, 3D printing, quantum computing, nanotechnology… Technology is gaining more importance in our lives and the current global pandemic has accelerated this process...