The method

A game-based method to learn to code
Codelearn is a game-based learning method designed to teach programming, robotics and computational thinking to everyone. It was originally designed by parents for our own children. Our main goal is to prepare them for the future they will have to face and teach them the 21st century skills.
We truly believe that having fun is the best way to learn something, specially during childhood. That is why we decided to create a universe of characters and present the adventures they live through comic strips. Codelearn students will have to learn different programming languages in order to help some characters defeat the enemies.
Each challenge completed awards students points, which they will need so they can improve their level and unlock new features. Points can also be used as currency in the Points Store- like in a video game, which will keep them motivated.
Codelearn is designed for kids and teens from 7 – the main requirement is that they are able to read easily. There is no age limit and there are lots of adults learning to code with this method, which is adapted to all ages so that everyone can progress at their own pace.

What are the differences between Codelearn and other platforms?
Detailed study plan
At Codelearn, you don’t have to choose where to start because we follow a study plan split into different courses that we call adventures. Just like in a video game, there is a path that you have to follow. You will have to choose sometimes (do I complete A or B first?), but the learning curve has been proven with thousands of students.
There are lots of resources out there to learn to code, but finding out where to start and what to learn next can be a time-consuming task. Let us do that for you.
Assigned mentor
You might have tried learning online before (e.g. enrolling in a MOOC) and you probably left the course unfinished. E-learning has a massive abandonment rate and one of the main reasons is that students usually don’t have anyone to report to.
If you join us at Codelearn, you will have an assigned mentor from the first day. Your mentor will guide you during your learning process and keep you motivated with weekly challenges. Also, this person will always help you and solve all your doubts.
Adapted content
Our platform uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms to know if you are learning with our adventures and how fast you can understand new concepts. This way, it can choose to let you use shortcuts or help you by refreshing some specific concepts.
Exercises also depend on your age, so the platform shows different exercises to kids, teenagers or adults, although it is trying to teach everyone the same. All contents are constantly reviewed and regularly updated by our teaching team.
Codelearn Online

If you don’t live near any Codelearn center you can join the online program. You will follow exactly the same study plan to learn programming and you will work on your coding skills using the same learning platform and the same game-based learning method. The main difference is that, unless you have some at home, you won’t be able to experiment with other technologies such as robots or 3D printing, which we have at our schools.
You will join thousands of students from all the world, from America to Asia and across Europe. We are the biggest coding school for kids in the Barcelona area, where Codelearn was founded in 2013.
Which programming languages
will I learn at Codelearn?
Even if they have prior experience, all students start from the beginning, so that we can ensure that they assimilate the core knowledge and learn the basics of programming. If you already have some coding skills, you will simply get faster through the first adventures.
You will start learning educational programming languages such as Logo, Karel and Scratch, and after that you will move to some of the most popular programming languages and tools, such as Python, HTML/CSS/Javascript, C++, Java, Unity, Linux…
The order that we follow is a relevant part of the methodology. You will have to finish the previous adventures in order to unlock the next ones and learn other programming languages.

What should I know before enrolling?
Who is this program designed for?
When can I sign up for the course?
You can join the program at any time, since each student follows it at his own pace. However, programming is like learning a foreign language: the sooner the better, as children will have more time to learn things and practice everything they learn through the years.
What is the course schedule?
Codelearn is a blended learning after-school program. Thanks to our online platform, our students can work from home 24/7 and solve different exercises according to their level and age.
The in-person classes are not master classes, but a mentoring or a personalized follow-up. These classes last one hour per week and all students can come whenever it works best for them and their families. Generally our centres are open every afternoon from Monday to Friday.
As we offer a personalized learning, everybody can come the day and time that works best for them. In any case, we try to group children of similar age so they can share the learning experience, become friends and participate in group activities.
Online students can also choose their online classes schedule.
What do I need to use?
All students need to have a laptop which they will use in classroom and also at home. They will also need an Internet connection in order to access to the online platform from home.
It is not necessary to install any programs so the platform is accessible from any Internet browser (Firefox, Chrome…)
What is the recommended time to learn on the platform?
In addition to the weekly hour lesson, we recommend all our students to access the platform 15-20 minutes a day, 4 to 7 days a week so they can maximise learning by doing the suggested exercises. Learning to code is like learning a foreign language or learning how to play an instrument: the more you practise, the better you get at something.
Prices and discounts
We offer discounts to families that enroll two or more siblings. Also there are usually some discounts according to the fees (in case of choosing the quarterly or the annually fees instead of the monthly one).
Prices may vary depending on the centres, so contact your nearest centre to ask for more information or join us through the online platform. You can see the prices for the online course here.
Level certificates
Codelearn has created its own level certifications in order to demonstrate the acquired knowledge at work. There are three levels (A, B and C) and the whole study plan requires several years of study.