Codelearn Special Weeks: Quantum Computing

Codelearn Special Weeks: Quantum Computing

This week we will celebrate the second theme week of the school year, which will be dedicated to quantum computing. Quantum computers work differently from the regular computers we use in our day-to-day life: they don’t work with bits that can only have a value...
5 password managers to keep your data safe

5 password managers to keep your data safe

Today is the second Tuesday of February, which means it is Safer Internet Day and we want to take the opportunity to give you some recommendations about the safety of our actions on the Internet. Safer Internet Day was born as part of the EU SafeBorders project in...
Codelearn Drawing Competition – 1st Edition

Codelearn Drawing Competition – 1st Edition

As you already know, throughout the school year we always organize activities such as Halloween and Christmas contests, which reward the creativity of our students and allow them to combine art and technology. This year we have decided to host the first Codelearn...