Only one month left until the Christmas holidays and that means that, like every year, it is time to organize our traditional Christmas Contest.

The 2023 Christmas Contest is a great opportunity for the most creative students who want to showcase their programming skills and a fun challenge that serves to test everything they have learned on the Codelearn platform. All students can participate in the contest and there are three ways to do it: creating a drawing using Logo, programming a simple video game or an animated postcard using Scratch, or editing a Christmas video with a maximum duration of one minute.

There will be 4 categories:

– Video for all ages (maximum one minute and related to Christmas)
– Logo up to 8 years old
– Logo from 9 to 12 years old
– Scratch from 12 to 18 years old

Therefore, depending on the age of the students, they will have access to different adventures on the platform, but everyone will be able to participate in a maximum of two categories: video and Logo or video and Scratch.

2023 Christmas Contest will take place from Friday, December 1 to Friday, December 15 at 11:59 p.m. The winners will be announced on December 20.

Taking into account the previous votes on the platform, Codelearn’s jury will finally announce a winner for each category, who will receive 10,000 points and a €50 Amazon Card.

Good luck!