As every year, throughout the month of July, we will celebrate a special activity both in the centers and on the Codelearn online platform. This time we have organized a Summer Chess League to have fun playing chess and take advantage of all the benefits this game offers, such as exercising and developing mental skills like logic and reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and concentration.

Starting on July 1st, all Codelearn students will have access to the Chess game within the platform, and the centers will also have physical boards to play games in the afternoons when students attend their center. Additionally, as a new feature within the platform, users will now be able to play against the computer, so everyone can continue practicing at any time, even if their friends are not available either online or at the center.

Within the rankings section of the platform, a new tab called “Summer Chess League” will appear. There, you can check the points each student has accumulated throughout July, and when the month ends, the top 20 ranked students will receive a special badge and 500 points as a reward. Moreover, among all the students who participate in the Summer Chess League before July 22nd, several collector’s chess sets will be raffled.

For the more competitive students, we have organized an online chess tournament on the platform that will follow the same format as the Karel Challenge Online. It will start with a qualifying phase that will last from July 1st to July 14th; afterwards, the 48 participants with the most points will qualify for the league phase, which will run from July 16th to July 23rd with two daily games for each participant. Once this phase is over, the top four participants will advance to the semifinals on July 24th. The winners of each semifinal match will face off in the final, which will be played on Thursday, July 25th at 8:30 PM.

Finally, this month we will also publish a new adventure about Checkers on the platform, which can be purchased in the points store after completing the Chess adventure.

We hope you enjoy the activity and that it helps keep your brain active this summer!