As you already know, throughout the school year we always organize activities such as Halloween and Christmas contests, which reward the creativity of our students and allow them to combine art and technology. This year we have decided to host the first Codelearn Drawing Contest, a unique opportunity to show us your artistic skills off the platform.

The theme of the competition is Codelearn and everything that surrounds the coding school: the centers, students and teachers, the platform, programming and robotics, the Codelearn universe, its characters and their adventures… You can draw anything that relates to your experience here (you can even create new characters and alternate adventures), the only rule is that it has to be a handmade drawing.

Our first Drawing Contest will take place from February 3 to February 10, 2023 and is open to all our students. Once you have your drawings ready, you will need to scan or take a photo of them and there will be a special section on the platform where you can upload for all to see. The Codelearn jury will assess all proposals and their originality and choose a winner from each category. The winners will be announced the following week through our social networks accounts.

There will be six categories:

– Up to 7 years
– From 8 to 9 years
– From 10 to 11 years
– From 12 to 16 years
– From 17 to 18 years
– +18 years old

The winner of each category will get 5000 points on the platform and a drawing kit. In addition, each center will also be able to choose its winners, who will earn 2,500 points.

Let your imagination run wild and send us your drawings.

Good luck!